Saturday, February 23, 2013

Worm-Out + Paratrooper

Name: Worm-Out + Paratrooper
Author: Ghislain
Released: February 23, 2013 (originally made in 1988-1990)
Requirements: Unexpanded VIC-20 + Disk Drive.
Description: 3 Simple VIC-20 Games I made a long time ago.

I've 'remastered' two previously-released VIC-20 games: WORM-OUT II and PARATROOPER. I've repackaged these with the never before released WORM-OUT I that I created in 1988 (with some added improvements). The instructions on how to play these games can be read when you start a game. 



Sunday, February 3, 2013


Name: magiTOOL
Author: Ghislain
Released: February 3, 2013
Requirements: Unexpanded VIC-20 + Disk Drive.
Description: Self-made toolkit that I used back in the day with my VIC-20 projects.

In the pre-internet days, I didn't have any VIC-20 tools like an ML monitor, graphics or sound editor. So I made my own. These were made between 1990-1996 and I put them all together under a single package:

magiPROG: Machine language assembler that uses decimal numbers.
magiCHAR: Build 8x8 custom characters
magiDRAW: 64x96 multicolor image editor
magiSONG: Play and record music with a piano keyboard. 7 voice combinations and 3 scales are supported.

