Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Realms of Quest III - finally available to be purchased

You can obtain a copy if Realms of Quest Trilogy from Psytronik.


It was in February of 2009 (this year) that I had announced that I would be making DUNJON III. After a couple of weeks, I decided that this project would instead become REALMS OF QUEST III.

I posted on the VIC-20 Denial forum what was on my mind at the time as I was making this game. There were some setbacks but it was always 3 steps forward with the occasional step back.Again, a big kudos to saehn and darkatx (and of course, Kenz the publisher) for their magnificent art.

Would you believe that I originally conceived that it would take me 2 years to finish this project? At the time I started this, I only had a bare minimum knowledge of 6502 assembly language.

I hope that those who order it get some entertainment out of it. If you'd like a sampler of what this game is like, you can also try the freeware version available here.


  1. I just ordered this and am very happy with the files, hope to get the disk in the mail in the next couple of days. I got a VIC-20 off of e-bay primarily for this! (already had the 1541 drive) Now I just need a 32K expansion cart---haha.

  2. شات عربيتو شات عربي مجاني دردشة كتابية للجوال - هل قمت بتجربه شات عربيتو الجديد ؟
    دردشة عربيتو هي الأفضل اكتشف كم هو سهل التعارف على بنات وشباب من مختلف الأعمار والجنسيات في غرف دردشة عربية بلمجان
    ​شات كتابي عربي شات جوال بدون تسجيل دردشة كتابية للجوال بلمجان غرف شات ودردشة عديدة باسماء الدول العربية تعمل على جميع أجهزة الموبايل, يمكنك الدخول مباشرة لجمع غرف الشات بدون عناء التسجيل باسم مستعار, وخالي تماماً من الأعلانات المزعجة دردشة عربية كتابية شات عربي للجوال
